What are logs?

What is a log and how to create one on Rivet!
Written by Kelly Mackey
Updated 2 years ago

Logs is a feature we're building to help you more quickly document, share, and close important decisions or updates that involve multiple project members.

The feature is currently in beta, which just means it's being built piece by piece. You will see improvements every week! If there are things you hate about it, or things you want, please let us know: help@joinrivet.com

Right now, you can select from a small number of form templates, edit the fields in those template (add/remove/rename, etc.), and either:

1) send to someone else to fill out, or

2) fill out and send to people.

The person receiving the form can see the form and data entered, add fields to the form (if there is detail missing), or add a comment. All comments will be grouped with the form.

Here's how to do it:

1. On mobile, in the 'Chat' tab on your bottom navigation, tap the big red '+' button, and tap 'Relay'. 

On desktop, in the left, blue navigation bar directly under 'Calendar' click 'Add Relay'

2. First, choose a form type located at the top of the screen. To see all the available templates on mobile, swipe left on the part of the screen highlighted by the red box in the below screenshot. The arrow in the screenshot indicates where you'll see other options.

3. Once you've picked a template, there are three things you can do, a) edit the template, b) send the template to someone else, or c) fill out the template.

Edit the template

1. You can change a field name, delete fields, or add fields to any form by tapping the button at the bottom of the form labeled 'Edit form fields'

2. To change the name of the template, tap into the field under 'Name'.

To rename a field, tap into the field and edit the name. To delete a field, hit the red button with the horizontal white line through it.

To add a field, tap the 'Add a field' text right above the 'Save' button at the bottom of the form.

3. When done, hit 'Save' and the form should reflect your updated form fields!

Send the template to someone

1. If you're ok with the fields that are in the template, tap the button at the bottom of the form that says 'Send form'.

2. Next, select the person, or people you'd like to send the form to and tap the 'Select' button.

3. Next, add a message so they know why you're asking them to fill this form out. This is optional, you can just send the form, and they will receive the link, will be able to click it, and fill out the fields.

Fill out the template

1. Tap any of the fields you'd like to fill out and add details

2. Tap 'Send form' 

3. Select who you'd like to send the complete form to, and hit the 'Select' button

4. Add a message to provide context or ask a question, or tell them what you need. This is optional, so if you don't need to add a note, just hit 'Send'. NOTE: the message field and 'Send' button are below the form.

Some future features for relay that we're trying to prioritize and need feedback on:

* The ability to save and make form templates available to your team

* The ability to assign form fields to specific people

* The ability to set due dates for forms and/or form fields

* The ability to have a form kick off 1 or more tasks associated with it

* Ability to send a form to people at a regular cadence (for example, daily or weekly report / time cards / etc.)

* And more!

If the above features interest you, or you'd like to request different features not listed, click on this link to a survey to vote or tell us about additional features you want: https://forms.gle/SiiwTsMGVKZqtx2Z9

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